Sunday, September 29, 2019

Week 8: Cherry Creek Invite

Happy Fall and Almost October!

This season is just flying by and we are at our last week before League! Teams will be announced later this week for who is running in what race at Cherry Creek (athletes please email Coach Douglass if you cannot attend the meet).

Runners Roost Recap
What's better than one first-place team finishes? TWO FIRST PLACE TEAM FINISHES! Both the girls and boys took home the win on Tuesday at the Runners Roost Invite.

Girls took 1st by scoring 24 points, top 15 finishes include

  • Courtney Rowe- 2nd
  • Quinn Hennigar- 3rd
  • Noelle Harff- 6th
  • Amelia Orton- 7th
  • Maddie Witte- 11th
  • Samantha Romero- 12th
Boys took 1st by scoring 29 points, top 15 finishes include
  • Matthew Lobojko- 2nd
  • Samuel Hilsden- 3rd
  • Scott Mortimer- 5th
  • Owen Flack- 9th
  • Ty Young- 10th
Cherry Creek Info
9:00- Boys Varsity Race
9:10- Girls Varsity Race
9:40- Boys JV Race
9:50- Girls JV Race
10:20- Boys Open Race
10:30- Girls Open Race

Varsity needs to be there at 8:00, everyone else can get there at 8:35

Parking will be available in the Cherry Creek West Parking Lot or at Campus Middle School. Athletes or spectators who park in the East Parking lot will be stuck until the roads open again after 11 AM (and they would have to park there before 8 AM when the roads close).

They did have to change the course within the last two weeks from the original new course. Attached is the new course map

Falcon Project Shirts
I apologize for the delay in getting the shirts. The bad news is that our t-shirt designer and printer took a long time. The good news is that he gave us a discounted price for the delay. This means that the shirts won't have to increase in cost. Falcon in training shirts for kids are $15. Support crew shirts for HRHSXC fans are $10. Cash or check are both accepted! 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 7: Runners Roost Invite

Happy Sunday and hopefully everyone enjoyed their long weekend!

Dave Sanders Recap
Both the boys and girls ran great! Looking at improvement, especially at the team level let's give a shout out to both the boys and the girls
  • Boys lost to Thunderridge at Liberty Bell and on Friday the boys beat Thunderridge by 45 points
  • Last year the girls took last at regionals. On Friday the girls beat Arvada West, Lakewood, and Bear Creek, all of who compete in our region
  • Top finishers for each race
    • Boys Varsity- Matthew Lobojko- 13th
    • Girls Varsity- Courtney Rowe- 61st
    • Boys JV- Zach Salcido- 24th
    • Girls JV- Kendall Gilchrist- 90th
    • Boys Open- Daniel Shore- 15th
    • Girls Open- Brooke Barnard- 41st
  • All results can be found here
The Week Ahead
Monday- Pre-Meet Day and team dinner at the Barnards
Tuesday- Runners Roost Invite at Adams County Fairgrounds
9755 Henderson Road, Brighton
Our bus was canceled so athletes are in charge of making sure they have a ride. Have them see a coach on Monday if they still don't have a way to get up there. All athletes will be dismissed at 12:30
2:50 pm- High School Boys
3:25 pm- High School Girls
4:10 pm - Coaches/Citizens Race (athletes are not required to stay but the coaches will be running in this race, parents are welcomed to run as well!)
4:20 pm - High School Awards (I fully expect that we will have the race winner for both girls and boys. I also fully expect that both boys and girls to finish in the top 2 in the team race)
Wednesday- Optional morning practice at 5:45
Thursday- Long Run
Friday- Speed (lifting afterward)
Saturday- Easy run or cross-train

Monday, September 16, 2019

Week 6: Dave Sanders

Good morning and happy Monday!

Rock Canyon Recap
Really excellent job to everyone who ran Rock Canyon. That course is a grind, especially directly following Liberty Bell. We placed better as a team than in years past on both the girls and guys side!

All results can be found here

  • Girls Varsity finished 11th lead by Courtney Rowe's 27th place finish
  • Boys Varsity finished 4th lead by Matthew Lobojko's 12th place finish
  • Girls JV finished 12th lead by Kristina Captain's 49th place finish
  • Boys JV finished 5th lead by Owen Flack's 10th place finish
  • Also great job to all the Cresthill runners!

Nike Cross Regionals
We will have an information meeting right after practice on Thursday for those that are going/are interested in going to Nike Cross Regionals. Here is logistical information 

Team Dinner
This week team dinner will be hosted by the Captain Family (thank you!). The address can be found here. We also need a family to host the League team dinner on October 8th. Please sign up if you can host!

Dave Sanders Invite
Friday, September 20th- Clement Park
Columbine High School
6201 S. Pierce Street
Clement Park has limited parking for spectators and parents. A large part of the parking lot will be designated for bus parking. If spectators cannot find sparking spots at Clement park, they are welcome to park at Columbine High School which is located just south of the park. The walk is minimal, less than half a mile. All parking at Clement Park and Columbine High School is free. Please only park in designated parking spots. 

3:00 D1 Varsity Boys- Run 10, Score 5
3:40 D1 Open Boys B Team- Run 10, Score 5
4:30 D1 Varsity Girls- Run 10, Score 5
5:10 D1 Open Girls B Team- Run 10, Score 5
5:40 D1 Open Boys C Team- Run Unlimited, Score 5
5:50 D1 Open Girls C Team- Run Unlimited, Score 5

Boys Varsity is expected to be there by 2:00, everyone else by 2:40

Runner's Roost Invite
Our buses were canceled by the district for the Runners Roost Invite on Tuesday, September 24th. We will work on arranging rides but please let your student know if you can drive.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week 5: Rock Canyon Weekend

Liberty Bell Recap
Great job to everyone that ran Liberty Bell. We walked away with improvements from last year on both sides and with a ton of PRS!

All results can be found here

Falcons Leading the Way

  • Amelia Orton- 1st for HRHS and 32nd overall for Girls Varsity
  • Matthew Lobojko- 1st for HRHS and 18th overall for Boys Varsity
  • Samatha Romero- 1st for HRHS and 47th overall for Girls JV
  • Ty Young- 1st for HRHS and 11th overall for Boys JV
  • Chloe Atencio- 1st for HRHS and 50th overall for Girls Open
  • David Canaday- 1st for HRHS and 24th overall for Boys Open
  • Huge shoutout to Brooke Barnard- such a trooper
Rock Canyon Invite
Saturday, September 14th
Everyone will need to be there by 7L20 to cheer on Cresthill Middle School. 
Parking- You can park at both Rock Canyon High School and Rocky Heights Middle School. 
Time Schedule:
7:30- Douglas County Middle School Championships
8:30- Boys Varsity (7 runners)
9:00- Girls Varsity (7 runners)
9:30- Boys JV
10:00- Girls JV
10:45- Awards

Team Photos
We will be taking our team photo this Friday, September 13th. Athletes need to bring their uniforms. The athletes have a hard copy of the order form but here is a digital copy.

Looking Ahead
We will have morning practice this week on Wednesday.

We have had enough interest that it looks like we are going to Nike Cross Regionals! I'll put together all the information and we will have a meeting next week. Meeting time TBD.

Mark your calendars- Our end of season banquet is Sunday, October 27th. More information will follow on what to bring.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Week 4: Liberty Bell Week!

Happy long weekend! The cross country season is really picking up and we have a lot to cover this week.

Labor Day Long Run:
For those in town, we will meet at 8 am at Goodson Rec Center for our long run. If you're out of town please get your long run in on your own. This is a recovery week so drop your long run by either a mile or half a mile (pace shouldn't slow),

Wash Park Invite:
WHAT! A! MEET! Having everyone bump down to two-miles provided us with a fast race to work on our speed and work on moving up and racing competitively. It also helps that HRHS crushed it!

Ranch Girls took 2nd and had three top 10 finishes

  • Huge congrats to Amelia Orton, 1st place overall!
  • Quinn Hennigar took 6th overall
  • Courtney Rowe took 8th overall
Ranch boys took 1st overall and were 2 points away from a perfect score! The boys put 6 in the top 10
  • Huge congrats to Sam Hilsden, 1st place overall!
  • Matt Lobojko took second, literally less than a step behind Sam
  • Scott Mortimer took 3rd overall
  • Owen Flack took 5th overall
  • Zach Salcido took 7th overall
  • Charlie Wells took 9th overall
Full HRHS results can be found here

Liberty Bell:
Liberty Bell is this Saturday, September 7th at Heritage High School. Unless they update the divisions we are in Divison 1, the following are when we will be racing (teams will be announced later this week)
8:50- Boys Varsity
8:53- Girls Varsity
10:15-Boys JV
10:18- Girls JV
11:05- Boys Open
11:08- Girls Open

Parking Info: Arrive early and park in the neighborhoods. Parking is really hard to come by so plan ahead and try and carpool. 
Varsity needs to be there by 7:45, everyone else needs to be there by 8:45. Athletes are expected to stay the whole time, regardless of what race they are in. A team-first attitude needs to be evident on meet days with HRHS falcons lining the course and cheering for each other!

Team Dinner:
This week's team dinner is hosted by the Harffs. Info can be found here

Thank you to the Cermak's for back to back weeks of great photos! Here is where you can find the photos from meet day and upload photos that you have taken as well.


Falcon Project shirts are ordered, I'll include in my weekly email when they get in. We also have an online store for those that want more gear!  

Nike Cross Regionals Meet:
Each year Nike hosts a varsity invite regional meet in Casa Grande, AZ on November 23rd. I have been asked my multiple athletes if we as a team could attend this meet. I want to gage interests before fully committing, but want to give those that want to go and race an opportunity.  Meet entry, food, flights, and hotels would run about $500-$600 per athlete. Please email Coach Douglass directly if you would attend or would want more information.