HRHSXC Mountain Camp 2021
Where- YMCA of the Rockies- Snow Mountain Ranch 1101 Co Rd 53, Granby, CO 80446
When- July 26th-29th (we will be back around noon on the 29th)
Cost- $350 - this includes lodging, transportation, and food
Monday- Meet at the school at 10am and carpool up to the YMCA.
Workouts will include running, biking, and a duathlon (combo run and bike with a partner)
Thursday- Leave after breakfast, be back to HRHS around noon
What to Pack
Make sure you have running shoes, multiple pairs of socks, workout attire, a swimsuit, and towel, and the biggest thing is a bike and a helmet.
Sign-Up Form
Since we were just approved by the district and the little time before camp we need RSVPs ASAP. Please fill out this form that you are coming.
Questions Email Coaches
Coach Douglass-
Coach Zook-
Coach Bliven-
Coach Chase-